What will a settlement agreement give me, in terms of time or money?

There are no legal rules for how much money or time the landlord or the tenant can ask for. You should think about what you want and what you think the other side would agree to.

Any settlement should be written down, signed by both sides, and shown to the judge at the eviction trial.

What the Landlord might ask for in a Settlement Agreement

What the Tenant might ask for in a Settlement Agreement

What are important tips for working out a settlement?

If you are a tenant or landlord, what are some things to do to make a settlement agreement with the other side?

1. Reach out: You can contact the other side at any time, to see if they are open to talking about a settlement agreement. A tenant can reach out to their landlord, property manager, or their attorney.

2. Get it in Writing: Be sure to get any agreement made between you and the other side in writing. This will make sure that it can be enforced.

3. Get Receipts: Get written receipts of everything you pay to the other side as part of the agreement. This will be evidence of paying what you agreed to.

4. Still Come to Court: Even if you have worked it out, both the landlord and the tenant should still come to court.

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