Report Card Comments

Here are a few suggestions for report card comments on Social-Studies.

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Social Studies nan nan demonstrates a solid understanding of social studies concepts at this grade level.
Social Studies nan nan has worked hard in social studies this quarter. However, her progress has been slower than I would have liked. Can we meet to discuss some helpful strategies?
Social Studies nan nan enjoys learning about and discussing current topics and events.
Social Studies nan nan At this point, has successfully mastered the basic social studies concepts for this grade level.
Social Studies nan nan has developed a strong knowledge of U.S./World history.
Social Studies nan nan has struggled with tests and quizzes, especially history and geography. Please help work on this before all tests and quizzes.
Social Studies nan nan is having trouble with many of the basic skills in social studies. Can we meet to discuss some helpful strategies?
Social Studies nan nan is able to easily relate history to current events and think critically about connections between them.
Social Studies nan nan turns in thoughtful, well-researched papers and assignments.
Social Studies nan nan has developed a strong knowledge of U.S./World/regional/local geography.
Social Studies nan nan has struggled with memorizing and recalling important dates/events/concepts. Please help work on this nightly.
Social Studies nan nan The quality of ’s social studies homework is inconsistent. His/her grade would improve with more consistent effort on these assignments.
Social Studies nan nan needs more practice on map skills.
Social Studies nan nan is skilled at performing research with primary and secondary sources.
Social Studies nan nan frequently helps classmates with concepts, not answers.
Social Studies nan nan really enjoys learning about history makes extra effort to be attentive and focused in class.
Social Studies nan nan is active in class discussions and group activities.
Social Studies nan nan has difficulty retaining social studies concepts, vocabulary, and historical information.
Social Studies nan nan understands and can identify basic social structures (communities, families, and jobs).
Social Studies nan nan enjoys working with maps and learning about new places.
Social Studies nan nan understands and uses basic social studies concepts and vocabulary to __.
Social Studies nan nan is still struggling with social studies tests and quizzes.
Social Studies nan nan understands and can apply basic concepts of economics and commerce.
Social Studies nan nan understands and applies math, science, and language arts concepts and skills in social studies class.
Social Studies nan nan can perform basic research and apply learning to social studies assignments and activities.
Social Studies nan nan can identify and name U.S./World/regional/local countries/capitals/cities/towns/landmarks on a map.
Social Studies nan nan works well with other students to complete group social studies activities.
Social Studies nan nan understands basic civics, government, and law concepts.
Social Studies nan nan is beginning to memorize the ___.
Social Studies nan nan has strong knowledge of U.S/World/regional/local history.
Social Studies nan nan still needs strengthening in the concept of ___.
Social Studies nan nan struggles with retaining and recalling dates, events, places, and other facts and figures.